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Indulge in sweet, tender, and sensuous tales of love and lust with our selection of romance fiction by authors such as Nora Roberts and Diana Quincy. From steamy, torrid affairs to offbeat romantic humor stories, find a delicious escape in a convenient and discreet format from Everand when you subscribe today.


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Acts of Honor
Acts of Honor
Acts of Honor
Acts of Honor

Acts of Honor

byVicki Hinze

SHE RISKED EVERYTHING TO PROBE THE DARKEST RECESSES OF HIS MIND He survived a mysterious mission more horrible than the mind can imagine; only she can break through the trauma and get him to reveal the truth about what happened. But if she succeeds, they both may not survive. Dr. Sara West knows only that her high-security military patient goes by the name "Joe," he's in a semi-catatonic state and only repeats the phrase, "I wept," and his post-traumatic stress disorder is a result of his last mission as a Shadow Watcher--a spy who spies on other spies. Sara's brother-in-law was also a Shadow Watcher. He committed suicide in the same sinister military facility where Joe and other soldiers like him are now in treatment. Sara must learn what caused her sister's unshakable husband to kill himself and, in the process, to heal Joe, a compelling man who wins her love. Progress is made until Joe's secrets reveal a truth so shocking Sara is uncertain they can overcome it. Those fears manifest in unimaginable ways and survival instincts kick in. Powerful forces rise against Sara and Joe, and high stakes for all the soldiers soar. Sara wonders if the truth will shatter illusions that reverberate through D.C. and the world. Truth, she fears, will get them all killed. Because those powerful forces make it clear they will do anything to keep their dark secrets buried forever...including terminate the brave men who fulfilled their sworn oaths to defend and protect and carried out their orders. The men who executed those orders in acts of honor.

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